Welcome Dr. Hsu-Sheng Tsai, Harbin Institute of Technology, to be the TPC!

Welcome Dr. Hsu-Sheng Tsai, Harbin Institute of Technology, to be the TPC!


Dr. Hsu-Sheng Tsai, Harbin Institute of Technology


Hsu-Sheng Tsai received his Ph.D. degree at National Tsing Hua University in 2015 and was a guest scientist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in 2018-2019. He has obtained the Humboldt Research Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany) in 2018. Since 2019, he is a full professor in the Laboratory for Space Environment and Physical Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He has 42 SCI publications with a total citation over 800 (H-index: 15). His research interests include plasma surface treatment, ion beam modification of materials, ion batteries, synthesis and applications of 2D materials.

本人累计共发表45篇SCI论文(第一或通讯作者23篇),H因子为15,已获得授权美国及台湾发明专利各1项,主持项目经费累计约200万。论文引用次数最高前五名皆为本人第一作者之文章,其中收获许多顶尖期刊文章的引用(Nat. Commun., npj Quantum Mater., NPG Asia Mater., Chem. Soc. Rev., Chem. Rev., Adv. Mater., Nano Today)。单篇最高引用次数为223。于2018年获奖德国洪堡学者荣誉(台湾地区平均一年1-2人获奖),国际肯定研究成果与专业能力。个人长期致力于等离子体及离子束技术制备二维材料并研究其材料物理性质,此制备技术为个人率先开发并应用于多种二维材料制备,目前正主要开展以离子束辅助制作新型二维材料晶体管器件,探讨器件中各种物理问题,借此了解其如何影响器件性能,并尝试克服以达成器件性能的提升。