Welcome Prof. Ji Wang from Ningbo University to be the Conference General Chair!

Welcome Prof. Ji Wang from Ningbo University to be the Conference General Chair!


Prof. Ji Wang, Ningbo University, China


Professor Ji Wang has been a Qianjiang Chair Professor of Zhejiang Province at Ningbo University since 2002.  He also served as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Study, School of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, from 2013 to 2019.  Professor Ji Wang is the founding director of the Piezoelectric Device Laboratory, a designated Key Laboratory of the Municipality of Ningbo.  Professor Ji Wang was employed at SaRonix, Menlo Park, CA, as a senior engineer from 2001 to 2002; NetFront Communications, Sunnyvale, CA, as senior engineer and manager from 1999 to 2001; Epson Palo Alto Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, as Senior Member of Technical Staff from 1995 to 1999.  Professor Ji Wang also held visiting positions at Chiba University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Argonne National Laboratory.  He received his PhD and Master's degrees from Princeton University in 1996 and 1993 and a bachelor’s degree from Gansu University of Technology in 1983.  
Professor Wang has been working on acoustic waves, high-frequency vibrations of elastic and piezoelectric solids for resonator design and analysis, and nonlinear analysis of vibrations with several US and Chinese patents, about 240 journal papers, and frequent invited, keynote, and plenary presentations in major conferences around the world.  He has been a board member, advisor, and consultant to many leading acoustic wave device industry companies.  Professor Wang has been a member of many international conference committees including the IEEE UFFC Technical Program Committees of the Frequency Control and Ultrasonics Symposia, the IEEE MTT-S, and the IEC TC-49.  He is also the founding chair of the Committee on Mechanics of Electronic and Magnetic Devices, CSTAM, and the SPAWDA.  From 2015, Profess Wang was the editor-in-chief of Structural Longevity and a member of the editorial boards of several international journals.

王骥博士自2002年9月起担任宁波大学钱江学者特聘教授,长期担任力学学科负责人,曾担任机械工程与力学学院副院长等,是宁波市压电器件技术重点实验室和曙光-宁波大学高性能计算联合实验室创建主任,长期从事压电声波器件结构高频振动的分析理论和方法研究。他于1996年获得美国普林斯顿(Princeton)大学土木工程系博士学位。在此之前,他于1993年获得普林斯顿大学硕士学位,于1983年获得甘肃工业大学工业与民用建筑学士学位。从1988到1990年,他是美国能源部阿贡国家实验室(ANL)的访问研究员,从事核反应堆的结构振动研究。在研究生学习期间,他的研究项目是用于摩托罗拉(Motorola)的移动通信系统的石英晶体器件的研究。从1995到1999年,他是爱普生(Epson Palo Alto Laboratory)的高级研究员,从事压电器件结构研究。他开发的石英晶体设计软件已在公司用于产品设计并获得科研二等奖。从1999到2001年,他在一家互联网软件公司工作并担任管理职务。从2001到2002年,他是美国SaRonix的高级工程师,从事石英晶体器件的设计和研究。
王骥教授主持的石英晶体研究项目在日本精工爱普生(Seiko Epson)公司获得公司科研二等奖。王骥教授在石英晶体谐振器相关的研究工作有多项美国专利和中国发明专利,发表的SCI论文250余篇。王骥教授负责和完成的研究项目包括国家自然科学基金重点项目、浙江省重大科技攻关项目、浙江省重点科技创新团队和宁波市智能制造2025等多个科技项目。
王骥教授多次应邀在国际会议和科研机构作大会报告和邀请报告。王骥教授是IEEE 的三个学术会议的技术程序委员会委员,也是国家和地方多个部门和项目的技术评审专家。王骥教授是中国力学学会电子电磁器件力学专业工作组的创建组长,也是国际电工委员会(IEC)第49技术委员会的专家。王骥教授曾是国际期刊Structural Longevity的主编。王骥教授也是多所大学的客座教授和兼职博士生导师,也曾担任多家国际知名企业的独立董事和顾问。