Welcome Prof. Cheng Huang from Soochow University to be the Conference General Chair!

Welcome Prof. Cheng Huang from Soochow University to be the Conference General Chair!


Prof. Cheng Huang, Soochow University,China


Dr. Cheng Huang, Distinguished Professor of College of Energy, Soochow University, has long been engaged in the applied basic research on high-electron-density flexible materials with electric dipoles and compact power sources for  new energy storage integration technology. The development of energy storage characteristics and solid state batteries with high specific energy, power densities and environmental adaptive safety, high-temperature resistant power electronics, intelligent thermal management and electronic sensor technology led to about 100 academic and technical papers published in professional journals such as Nature, Nature Commun., Phys. Rev. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett., Adv.Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Power Sources as well as transactions and proceedings, 37 China, US and PCT invention patents and a number of patents to achieve the technology transfer. He graduated from Nanjing University with BS and MS degrees, and Pennsylvania State University in 2004 with a MS degree of Electrical Engineering and a PhD degree in Materials (Solid State Science).He had been engaged in R&D as a researcher, project engineer and industrial project manager in Bell Laboratories / Johns Hopkins University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of  Department of Energy, respectively. He was director of Advanced Energy Materials Institute, IAM of Nanjing Tech University. He was selected into theNational Youth High Level Talent Program,JiangsuDistinguished Professor and Innovation and Entrepreneurship talent.Now Dr. Huang is director of Key Laboratory of Suzhou Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies, director of High Density Materials Technology Center for Flexible Hybrid Electronics, SITRISuzhou Institute of Electronic Functional Materials Technology, senior member of Executive Committee of Key Materials and Technologies of Electronic Components of China ICS Instruments and Functional Materials Society, member of Energy Storage Committee of China Chemical and Physical Power Supply Industry Association, expert committee member of China Green Industry Development Research Institute of MIIT China Prosperity Green Industry Foundation, and executive director of China Prosperity Green Core Power & New Energy Co., Ltd. and Innovation Center. He wasthe working group member of major projects in the 13th Five-Year Plan of the National Energy Storage Industry, member of the expert group of the International Industrial Standards Development Technical Commission for IEC JWG 82 New Energy Grid-connected Photovoltaic Power Generation for Secondary Batteries and Energy Storage Power Supplies.Dr. Huang won2013 DOE Battelle Silver Award for Innovative Technology and Patent Commercialization, 2015, 2018, 2019 Key Contributor Awards, and 2015 Most Advanced Energy Storage Technology Research Group Award of China Chemical and Physical Power Industry Association. He participated in or presided over the projects of National Key Basic Research Development Program of China, Key Research and Development Program of Ministry of Science and Technology, and other projects of Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province. 

黄程,苏州大学能源学院特聘教授,长期从事高电子密度柔性电偶极材料及致密电源材料与新能源储能集成技术应用基础研究。三高(高比能、高功率、高低环境适应安全性)特性与固态电池、耐高温电力电子、智能热管理与电子传感器技术在Nature, Nature Commun., Phys.Rev.Lett., Appl.Phys.Lett., Adv.Mater., Adv.Funct.Mater., J.Power Sources等学术期刊及专业会刊发表论文100余篇,申请及授权国际、美国、中国发明专利37项,多项专利实现技术转让。南京大学本科与硕士研究生毕业,2004年毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学获电气工程系硕士与材料研究所材料(固态科学)博士学位。先后在美国贝尔实验室/约翰·霍普金斯大学、美国能源部太平洋西北国家实验室从事博士后、研究员、项目工程师、工业项目经理研发工作,南京工业大学先进材料研究院先进能源材料研究所所长。入选国家青年高层次人才计划、江苏省特聘教授、江苏省双创人才团队。苏州市先进碳材料与可穿戴能源技术重点实验室主任、苏州市产业技术研究院电子功能材料技术研究所柔性混合电子高密度材料技术中心主任、中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术常务委员会资深委员、中国化学与物理电源行业协会储能应用专委会委员、工信部华盛绿色工业基金会华盛绿色产业发展研究院专委会委员、华盛绿色芯动新能源有限公司执行董事。国家储能产业“十三五”规划重大课题工作组成员、国际电工委员会IEC新能源光伏并网发电二次电池与储能电源JWG82国际工业标准制定技术委员会专家组成员。获美国能源部2013年度Battelle创新技术专利银奖,2015、2018与2019年度最佳贡献奖;2015年度化学与物理电源行业协会最具前沿储能技术研究课题组奖。参与或主持国家重点基础研究发展计划、科技部重点研发计划、江苏省重点研发计划等项目。